
April 20, 2011 § Leave a comment

woah babies,

another straight edge spotting. it was one of those varsity shirts, you know the ones that look like a gym uniform, that said straight edge for life, with XXX in the middle of course. where do all these straight edge bros go to thrash? still unknown, but i think i’ve got a lead….

i’m for finally feeling like i’ve got shit going on here. it’s been lovely. not just that i’ve filled up my time so that i don’t get bored enough to get lonely, i feel like i’m doing so many of the things that i hoped to be able to do! so exciting. i’m gettin bufff and stayin supple, learnin how to better navigate audio recording software, just started a queer theory class this week! (gonna be raaad), playin music later tonight with some really amazing folks!!! fuuuuck. no lo puedo creer. so awesome.

i’ve taught two whoooole classes in 7 weeks. i had a great time in both. it makes me feel slightly like mary ciccarelli (not that that’s a bad thing, duh!), i use my hands a lot and knock things over and get really into what i’m talking about. ha. it’s good though, the students ask a lot of questions and participate a bunch. successes all around. i think teaching in this setting will prove to be a lot of fun, all the good stuff without much responsibility. 

ohh, so since it’s semana santa and all i’m going a lil bit out of the city to some nature preserve or something where there is a yoga center. it’s gonna be hippied out but i’m stoked! hangin out with some trees and a book, doin a lil yoga, talkin about chakraaaas. i’m just goin for the day on sunday with a bud of mine. should be nice.

ok, ima go play a bass that weighs a ton and makes me feel like i’ve got a sweet new appendage!! wink…

all the hugs and all the kisses,


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